Spring at Lost Maples State Park

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campsite.jpg (15751 bytes) Early morning at our site (#28)

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There are 30 sites at the park.

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There were 5 Casita's at the park for the weekend (rally?).

Doris worked on more cards for her "stock".

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All cards have matching envelopes - thanks Anna for the envelope making tool!

Slideshow of a few cards.
goats-1.jpg (24308 bytes) The flowers were a little late, but the new crop of animals was everywhere!
Somewhere in this Red Tail Hawk nest may be a new crop of hawks. hawk-nest.jpg (20741 bytes)
hummer-close.jpg (12305 bytes) The hummingbirds were here in force.
Coming in for a landing. hummer-flying.jpg (12179 bytes)
Ladybug taking a nap. Ladybug.jpg (16108 bytes)
going-up-trail.jpg (29760 bytes) John did the 5+ mile East Trail while Doris worked on cards.
After the steep climb, it was "flat on top".

 (View in 3D)
(need red/blue glasses)

flat-on-top.jpg (33569 bytes)
view-from-top.jpg (20260 bytes) Trail down from the top and lake at bottom.


Tuesday night (3/22/2005) was clear enough for some astronomy.

This picture of the Orion Nebula (M42) was taken with Canon EOS-60 camera mounted on the telescope tracking mount.
It was a single 30 second exposure, ISO800, f2.8 and 70mm lens.

M42.jpg (18848 bytes)
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Jupiter and its four largest moons.

This is a combination of two sets of images at different exposures; one set to image the moons and one to image Jupiter.  Each set was taken with a Meade 5.5" telescope and Meade Deep Sky Imaging camera.  Approximately 50 images were combined with the Meade stacking software to make each final image.  They were then combined using Photoshop CS.

Saturn - a little fuzzy due to humidity. saturn.jpg (1206 bytes)
Antiques.jpg (16651 bytes) Of course there was antique shopping!
There is a new motorcycle museum near the park. Motorcycle-museum.jpg (20174 bytes)