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First stop, Pedernales Falls State Park

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It was cool the first few nights.

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Panorama view of Pedernales Falls

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Doris at falls.

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Twin Falls

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Doris stamping Christmas cards.

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Still going strong!

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Our neighbors.

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Clear sky! This was taken with digital camera and
200 mm lens.

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5AM Sunday - Jupiter and four of its' moons.

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Site #14 at Lost Maples

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Morning coffee - note redecorated kitchen!

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A few clouds - the first in over a week!

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Church in hills near Leakey

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Red tailed hawk in tree near top of hill in picture above
(taken from trailer area, about 1/4 mile away)

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Our trailer and Orion just before sunrise.

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Later in day we went on the 5 mile West Trail.

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Much of hike was along creek bed....

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... except for the "little hill" where there was cell coverage
(Doris talking to Shannon and Dax in Tennessee).

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Made it to the bottom (almost)!

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FOUR hours to this point (near end).

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There was ice on the car Wednesday AM.
(The temperature was 36 at 7AM)

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John went on the East Trail...

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... while Doris did more stamping-up.

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