
First stop, Pedernales Falls State Park
It was cool the first few nights.

Panorama view of Pedernales Falls

Doris at falls.

Twin Falls

Doris stamping Christmas cards.

Still going strong!

Our neighbors.

Clear sky! This was taken with digital camera and
200 mm lens.

5AM Sunday - Jupiter and four of its' moons.

Site #14 at Lost Maples

Morning coffee - note redecorated kitchen!

A few clouds - the first in over a week!

Church in hills near Leakey

Red tailed hawk in tree near top of hill in picture above
(taken from trailer area, about 1/4 mile away)

Our trailer and Orion just before sunrise.

Later in day we went on the 5 mile West Trail.

Much of hike was along creek bed....

... except for the "little hill" where there was cell coverage
(Doris talking to Shannon and Dax in Tennessee).

Made it to the bottom (almost)!

FOUR hours to this point (near end).

There was ice on the car Wednesday AM.
(The temperature was 36 at 7AM)

John went on the East Trail...

... while Doris did more stamping-up.