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We went back to the same site as 2005 for a good place to set up the telescope (yellow arrow).

The Indian Lodge is in the center of the photo.  It is about one mile from our camp site.

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We had to check out the GPS/laptop system in this area.  Note that our camp site loop is not on the Microsoft Streets & Trips map, but the GPS trail shows the system is accurate enough to tell that Doris was driving on the right side of the road (mostly!).

PICT1814.jpg (23607 bytes) Unfortunately, there were a lot of skunks roaming the campground in the early evening.  One walked under my table WHILE I WAS SITTING THERE!!
PICT1819.jpg (16316 bytes) Exhibit "A" - location where skunk walked under the table with me in the chair.  We later learned that the lights ATTRACT the skunks, not scare them away!!!
SOOO, I moved to the patio area and Doris watched for the skunks.   Unfortunately, the neighbor put food out for the deer, so I had to work around them for a few hours. IMG_9671.jpg (23278 bytes)
hogs.jpg (13544 bytes) The deer were not the only creatures that liked the corn.   These animated bacon strips were around most of the evening!
PICT1835.jpg (26527 bytes) This big ham was roaming the campground at noon on Sunday.
A cute fox near the campground. PICT1802.jpg (31446 bytes)
PICT1803.jpg (23500 bytes) He came through near our site one evening.
IMG_9708.jpg (7683 bytes) We had a long visit by a praying mantis on Friday.
View from Indian Lodge toward the campground.  Our Bandera neighbors (Tom & Sue) stayed here when they dropped by on their way home from spending the summer in San Diego. PICT1809.jpg (18031 bytes)
PICT1813.jpg (24369 bytes) A few buzzards bedding down for the night.
There are mule deer everywhere. PICT1818.jpg (18757 bytes)
IMG_9662.jpg (12126 bytes) This woodpecker was building his winter home!
We hiked up skyline drive one morning.  That's Indian Lodge in the background. PICT1829.jpg (21549 bytes)
PICT1830.jpg (17568 bytes) This guy was in a field near Ft. Davis.
M-27 (Dumbbell) shot on the first night.

Other astrophotographs will be posted on the main Astrophotography page.

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skyline-1.jpg (6861 bytes) Getting set up on the top of skyline drive.  I went there two nights to avoid the skunks!!
Almost dark enough for photography.  The building at the right of this photo is a communication relay spot which also had Wi-Fi for the lodge.   We went here for higher bandwidth connection (compared to cell phone at camp site). skyline-2.jpg (8700 bytes)
skyline-vert-pan-1.jpg (14029 bytes) Even with a little glow from the set sun, the stars really pop out with these clear, dark skies.

I was recording images of the Cat's Eye nebula when this picture was taken.

Road cut geology down skyline drive (starting at the top).

Bike / hike trail to Ft. Davis (Indian Lodge in background). PICT1870.jpg (17194 bytes)