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Should I wake up Mimi ??

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Mimi brought me this neat Cheerio book.

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We went to the zoo.

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My favorite part was the construction work.

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Cool trucks and front loaders.

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I love the view from up here.

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Grandpa is funny - he is always taking pictures.

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Story time by our tree.

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Grandpa  was hungry on Christmas eve morning.

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Christmas Eve started with projects.

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Mimi's project was the turkey and stuffing.

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We got to eat dinner at the BIG table!

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Ganga sent this really neat book.

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It has buttons, snaps and lots more.

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Bob the builder books.

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I got this medical kit from Ganga.  I need to keep
my parents healthy.

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The old folks built my tricycle after I went to sleep.

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Mom and Bill checked it out.

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And on Christmas morning, Matthew found it.

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I love the box!

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Big boy pants were in my stocking.

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Mom made a yummy coffee cake.

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Back to the bike.

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Mom passed out the gifts - most were mine!

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Dad gave Mom a pretty crystal vase.

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One of MANY new trains.

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I love trains...

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...and books.

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The room was really a mess....

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... so Dad had to have a drink.

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We went to the park to try out my new tricycle.

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Mimi and I drove the truck.

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Mom tried, also.

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A little girl drove off on my tricycle!!

IMG_1937.jpg (19207 bytes) Dad and I tried the slide.

Then Dad let Mom try.

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When we got home, Beth and Bob
brought over a really cool work bench.

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We all worked on putting it together.

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I was the only one small enough to get under here.

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Checking Mimi's ear with new medical kit.

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We chilled at the park the day after Christmas.

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Mimi and Grandpa in the tree.

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That night, Snoopy needed a clean diaper.

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The next day we went to the beach.

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We had some snacks...

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... and fed the birds.

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Dad spotted a whale close to shore.

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Then Dad and I played on the swings.

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He went flying out!

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On Saturday, we took the Coaster to town.

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As soon as we got off of the train, it was time to eat.

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Dad played in the fountain.

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COOL freight train!

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On Sunday, we went to the Aquarium.

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New friend in the earthquake area.

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Leafy Dragon sea horse.

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Dr Seuss??

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Baby sharks.

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Time to go.

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Fun trip to the park with Mom, Dad, Mimi & Grandpa.

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