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Friday started with a hike through Lost Maples State Park and a picnic lunch. IMG_0043.jpg (26409 bytes)
IMG_0034.jpg (23532 bytes) Ashley, Leighton, Morgan and Sabrina on a rock in the creek.
They needed a bigger rock when Hayden showed up! IMG_0040-2.jpg (22596 bytes)
IMG_0038.jpg (26789 bytes) This water is cold!!!
Water break on the East trail. IMG_0044.jpg (23572 bytes)
IMG_0047.jpg (21309 bytes) We saw a large lizard (about 10").
A cool rock ledge for a break.  It was VERY windy here. IMG_0049.jpg (21722 bytes)
IMG_0054-2.jpg (24372 bytes) Mom & Dad joined in for a family picture.
Rest stop by the creek. IMG_0065.jpg (35932 bytes)
IMG_0068.jpg (21051 bytes) Heading back for "lupper" (it was mid afternoon, and we had not had lunch yet!).
Mike and Sabrina try to clear the path by moving a few rocks out of the way! IMG_0077.jpg (32541 bytes)
IMG_0078.jpg (30134 bytes) Rock fish with 5 minnows in its' mouth.
Enjoying the clear skies. IMG_0083.jpg (9927 bytes)
PICT1938_40.jpg (33697 bytes) On Saturday, we went to the "corn" maze (actually maize maze) in Hondo.
We did both sides of the maze in record time.  It sure helps to have scouts!! PICT1941.jpg (33335 bytes)
PICT1944.jpg (21462 bytes) Jody and Ashley.
There were clues at markers throughout the maze.  Correct answers to questions gave the direction to go to get to the next marker. PICT1948.jpg (42074 bytes)
PICT1957.jpg (25643 bytes) After the maze there were goats to feed....
.... and slides to go down. PICT1965.jpg (29310 bytes)
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There was also a cool barrel ride; it went really FAST. PICT1972.jpg (19105 bytes)
PICT1977.jpg (24116 bytes) Can you find 5 Krogstads?
Tent on the back porch. IMG_0087.jpg (23143 bytes)
IMG_0088.jpg (18858 bytes) Riding the fence.

It was a FUN weekend!!