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Big Birthday party for Hayden!

He is now FIVE.

Hayden-gifts.jpg (24293 bytes)
Hayden-blowing.jpg (19380 bytes) Mimi made him a cake, and Mom added the BUGS!
Cake time. Mimi-cuts-cake.jpg (20461 bytes)
Ashley and Sabrina sang a few songs. Ashley_Sabrina-singing.jpg (19591 bytes)
at-rodeo.jpg (14818 bytes) Then it was off to the rodeo.

Leighton WILL do the mutton bustin' next year!

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Saturday found us in the Mt. Zion pool to cool off.

Hayden's slide style.

Hayden-takes-the-plunge.jpg (22063 bytes)
Ashley-slide.jpg (20205 bytes) Ashley......
Sabrina-slide.jpg (21360 bytes) Sabrina......
Leighton-slide.jpg (18981 bytes)   Leighton...

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Morgan catching the ball.

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Got it this time !!

Hayden and Sabrina work on the ice cream. ice-cream.jpg (21489 bytes)