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John, Pari, Zach & Ethan's new house

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The back yard is a great landscaping opportunity (Grandpa wants to do a meandering stream or a waterfall).

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Zach on the slide at the park.

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Mimi and Ethan.

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Zach and mom.

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Zach demonstration how to eat a cupcake
(Mimi's birthday cupcakes).

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Three "Goode" boys & a dog.

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Zach took a drive over the bridge...

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...while Ethan walked with Mom and Mimi.

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On Monday, Matthew came for a visit.
Matthew and Zach are cooking dinner.

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We went to a cool train museum.

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There were lots of cool trains.

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... and machines.

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Matthew and Zachary

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Coffee break.

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The big boys talked Ethan into kissing the big dog.

Then we drove to Matthew's house for a visit.

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Matthew's new house in Los Altos.

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Matthew has a big back yard with a hot tub and fruit trees.

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We had a few fire drills before going to the museum.

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Of course we had to eat first.

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Matthew served pizza and drinks.

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Matthew loves the logic board.

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Matthew sang "Happy Birthday" to Mimi!

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A little help for Mimi blowing out the 55 candles.

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Dad read a book to Matthew after the big party.

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A bagel break in Downtown Los Altos.

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Mom & Matthew rode a horse through town.

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Friday was a trip to the Aquarium in Monterey

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There were penguins from South Africa!

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and NEMO!

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Lots of fish (and SHARKS!) were fed.

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Very pretty jelly fish.

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Pictures of dolphins.

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Two otters floating on their backs eating
(outside in the bay)