John, Pari, Zach & Ethan's new house
The back yard
is a great landscaping opportunity (Grandpa wants to do a meandering stream or a
Zach on the slide at the park.
Mimi and Ethan.
Zach and mom.
Zach demonstration how to eat a cupcake
(Mimi's birthday cupcakes).
Three "Goode" boys & a dog.
Zach took a drive over the bridge...
...while Ethan walked with Mom and Mimi.
On Monday, Matthew came for a visit.
Matthew and Zach are cooking dinner.
We went to a cool train museum.
There were lots of cool trains.
... and machines.
Matthew and Zachary
Coffee break.
The big boys talked Ethan into kissing the big dog.
Then we drove to Matthew's house for a visit. |
Matthew's new house in Los Altos.
Matthew has a big back yard with a hot tub and fruit trees.
We had a few fire drills before going to the museum.
Of course we had to eat first.
Matthew served pizza and drinks.
Matthew loves the logic board.
Matthew sang "Happy Birthday" to Mimi!
A little help for Mimi blowing out the 55 candles.
Dad read a book to Matthew after the big party.
A bagel break in Downtown Los Altos.
Mom & Matthew rode a horse through town.
Friday was a trip to the Aquarium in Monterey
There were penguins from South Africa!
and NEMO!
Lots of fish (and SHARKS!) were fed.
Very pretty jelly fish.
Pictures of dolphins.
Two otters floating on their backs eating
(outside in the bay)