C2023 A3 |
(C/2023 A3) 10/15/2024 Notice the faint
anti-tail pointing
downward toward the sun. This very rare event happens
when the earth crosses the comet's oribital plane as it
did October 13 - 15. |
Comet C2009 P1 Garradd on
9/20/2011. Mouse over for zoom view (about
one degree vertical field of view). |
Comet Hartley 103P
photographed on 10-07-2010. The two images in this
slideshow are 50 minutes apart showing the motion near
NGC869 and NGC884. The photographs were taken with the
Canon T2i for 10 seconds at 6400 ASA and f/2.8. The
focal length of the Tamron lens was 210mm. Stacked
with Registar and processed with FITS Liberator 3 and
Photoshop CS5. |
Comet Lulin (C/2007 N3)
taken on 2/22/2009. The comet is very close to the earth, so the
motion is fast across the star field as shown in these fifteen 20
second frames (total elapsed time is 6 minutes 21 seconds). |

Comet Lulin, Feb. 2009 This is the above 15 frames stacked with
the comet position constant to improve the comet image. The resulting
star trails are due to the comet motion. |

Comet Holmes 11/02/2007 |
Photographs taken October 28 -
November 02, 2007 from Lost Maples State Park.
Comet Holmes, 17P had intensified almost 1,000,000 times a few
days before this set was taken. It was still growing in size during this sequence.
These images are scaled to match in size and overlaid. The outer diameter of
the comet increased from about 6' to over 14' during these 5 days. |

Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (73P) was photographed from Bandera on May 12,
2008 at 4:00
A.M. Photographed with a D-60 digital camera at 1000 ASA, 50mm lens at f/ 1.8, and
10 second exposure. |
Comet 2004 Q2
Comet 2004 Q2 (Machholz) was photographed as it approached the Perseus
constellation on January 13 and 15, 2005. Both photographs in this slide show
were taken with a D-60 digital camera. Lens: 70mm. Exposure: 10 seconds @
f2.8, ASA 400. These photographs demonstrate the rapid motion of a close comet
(about 30 million miles) relative to the background star field.

Machholz, 1/13/2005
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