Fun day in Wimberley!
Matthew wore his "Go-Pro" video camera!
After the zipline, we cooled off in the Wimberley "Blue Hole".
To get this ring on the rope swing, you have to jump for it.  Matthew was 3 for 3!
Matthew also wore the Go-Pro at the Flying-L Water Park.
On Saturday Aunt Melissa, Aidan and Lucas came for a short visit.  We all went to the Mt. Zion pool for a swim.
GP and Matthew worked on a few projects throughout the week.  One was music controlled LED lights on speaker towers.
This air driven paper rocket went HIGH!
Launch video.

An air compressor was used to provide 70# pressure, but a bicycle pump would also work.  An irrigation valve controls the firing.
The rocket launcher made it through security!   There may be a few rockets on houses in Matthew's neighborhood!
World map puzzle project.