Mimi & GP put the swing set together for Aidan and Lucas.
Aidan really likes to swing.
Mimi & Mom put the finishing touches on the feast.
It's ready!
After dinner train story.
A little couch time with Lucas.
My name is TROUBLE!
Grandpa turned on the Christmas tree lights.  Lucas did not want them on.
He REALLY did not want them on!!!
Mimi checking email.
Aidan at work on his computer.

Also note toothbrush - he is multitasking!
Railroad Museum in Las Cruces, New Mexico
Railroad museum slideshow.
Train video.
Sunday morning story time.
Before Mimi & GP left for home, Lucas read us a book!

(this is a large movie file)

To see this video in simulated 3D (need red-blue glasses),
"Big Black Train" in the El Paso Train museum.

Above train picture in 3D (use red-blue glasses).
Mexican border fence on the way to the airport.