After the trip to El Paso to help Melissa, we stopped off at the Davis Mountains State Park for a little R&R.  We had some cute neighbors and...........
..... some not so cute!
Doris got some card production started.
One evening we went to Marfa to see the "Marfa lights".  The "lights" were not too interesting, but I got some shots while we waited.
There was lightning in the distant clouds.
The crescent moon between clouds.
Doris made friends while we waited.
One of the reasons for stopping by the Davis Mountains State Park was to view the annual Perseid meteor shower.  The dark skies make viewing much easier.  Although this year was not particularly productive, a few meteors were caught on images.  Of course the really spectacular ones were not photographed!

The brighter area of these pictures is actually the milky way; there is no noise in these pictures - those are all stars!

These are wide angle shots (18mm) with Canon T2i camera at 6400ASA.  Each exposure was 30 seconds.

Andromeda Nebula (M-31).
The North America nebula, taken with the Canon T2i at 6400 ASA, 72mm, f2.8 & 20 seconds exposure.