January, 2006

first-trip-to-park.jpg (17523 bytes) My first trip to the park.  I guess I have a little growing to do to before I fit into this swing.
I LOVE wearing jeans. I-like-wearing-jeans!.jpg (17822 bytes)
my-friend-Lauren.jpg (17716 bytes) My first girlfriend, Lauren.
That's not what Mom said!! twins-with-Daddy.jpg (25715 bytes)
where-is-the-food.jpg (18779 bytes) I've got the math all figured out, now how about some FOOD!
Nap time. DSCN0179.jpg (21856 bytes)
DSCN0225.jpg (23467 bytes) My teeth are killing me.
I'm out of here! DSCN0227.jpg (21515 bytes)
DSCN0232.jpg (17130 bytes)
I know... this looks kinda silly. DSCN0233.jpg (26245 bytes)